
English as a Third Language


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At our Institute, English is taught according to the Ministry of Education proposal, as part of the Educational National Curriculum. Initially, students started to learn English from 5th grade. However, in 2009 our Institute decided to start teaching the language two hours a week from 4th grade, without this being graded. Despite the absence of grading, the students show both great interest and motivation to learn the language through songs, oral activities and games.


The four skills needed to learn a language: listening, reading, writing and speaking are covered in every English lesson, according to the Plans  and Programs proposed by the Ministry of Education.


Self and collaborative working methods, in addition to the use of authentic material and visual aids,  are promoted throughout each lesson.


The English Department trains students to take these International Examinations. Official examiners from Cambridge University give the three English test levels: the Preliminary English Test (PET-A1), the First Certificate in English (FCE- B1) and the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE- C1). In 2003, we began this journey with fifteen students taking the Preliminary English Test (PET) and scoring 100 percent.


Our Institute obtained the first place in the 2010 English SIMCE Test, at regional level with 94% of success and in 2012 the second regional place with 96% of success.


From 2014, the Preliminary English Test (PET) is mandatory for 9th grade students.